The Knitter’s Family is Cold

How can it be that my family doesn’t have enough woollies to stay warm during this Arctic blast? Monday we had wind chills in the neighborhood of -45*F and I couldn’t find a cowl. I think one of the next orders of business for me is to stock up our bucket of hats, gloves, etc., so we are better prepared for this Hoth-like weather.

My oldest son is working at a local grocery store as a bagger. Unless the roads/sidewalks are impassable, he bikes to work and back. He’s been getting really cold lately, so I’ve been working on a couple items for him.

cowl2 This is the City Creek Cowl, modified a bit. He didn’t need a lot of bunching at the neck, so I cut off a bit of a repeat. I also used different cast on and bind off methods. This only took a few hours to whip up, and I think it’s a good one for men. The cabling even gives a bit of double thickness here and there for extra warmth.

gloves  I started these back in September, but Christmas knitting pushed it to the bottom of the knitting bag. I finally finished them last night. The pattern is from The Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns, one of the best tools available for knitters. I always recommend it to people who ask for a suggestion for a book with basic patterns. These gloves were made from sock yarn, and are thin enough to layer under some other bulky stuffmart gloves.

Both projects were knit with stash yarn. It’s been a great couple months for using yarn from the stash. I’d love to keep that going this year, though a new pretty now and then would still be a treat!

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