
Holiday knitting is all over for 2013! It was actually officially over December 23, when the last piece was blocked, but I’m thrilled that no one had to receive a work in progress in a gift bag this year. (Yes, that has actually happened, and I never want to do that again!)

I have a bunch of photos to share. Some of them are pretty poor because modeling had to be done on the sly, but here they are, for better and/or for worse:

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g2 riverbank


mitts s2 shawl



fh1 fh2  I’m sure I’m missing some items, but those photos give a good idea of what occupied November and December. I really love the hustle and bustle of holiday knitting. I love that I surprised several people with their gifts.

Next up: Figuring out why we don’t have nearly enough woollies for the ridiculously cold weather we’re having.

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